Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mein Schulkind

In Kindergartens here, it's a big deal when you're going off to "Real" School. So, today was the last day, and they had to bring their new backpacks to show-off to the rest of the students. Ava, being American, did not have a monstrous German backpack, but the ever practical and super-cool LLBean backpack, complete with monogram.

The picture of the dollhouse and doll is what she made...I mean, she sawed, filed, sanded, and oiled it. Her doll is felted wool that she made as well. Waldorf is pretty cool when it comes to teaching kids practical and useful skills...especially the part of learning the pagen rituals:*)


TUTU Monkey said...

This is so great.....I love the crown!!!!!


TUTU Monkey said...

Check out my have been tagged.

I love you new blog roll......hmmmmmI need to do that....was it hard? Did you have to type in all the stuff again....?