Thursday, August 21, 2008


Mon petit jou, Jana, friend of 31 years and her friend Karen, (now our friend too!) trained into Stuttgart from Paris Thursday night. Friday, at the crack of dawn, or 1:30 pm, we headed for Berlin. John worked, so he didn't have to endure the 6+ hour drive, but instead flew in luxury. We arrived at our ***** Grand Hotel Esplanade Berlin. I then headed to the airport to p/u we really started our trip Saturday.

So, the photos are of Berlin. You'll see the Reich Stadt, Berlin Wall(all over the place), Brandenburg Gate, Memorial to the Jews killed in Berlin(the one that looks like all the graves...very beautiful and sad), the new Synagogue(gold and green dome), memorial to those killed while trying to cross the wall, and last but not least, the koi who liked to be pet...REALLY!!!

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