Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Krappy Katie continued, or is that Crafty Katie

But which blog to post to? I guess this, as it's not about jewelry....

Tanya the Craft Goddess(seriously, she's AMAZING, and I mean this in all seriousness!)gave me some fabulous homespun yarns for my birthday complete with needles and yarn bag, as she's giving me lots of credit to think that I might be patient enough to learn to knit...but today, she had me over for a class in felting. SO MUCH FUN! Look what I made, 3 of the 4 balls pictured:*)

Stay tuned for the continuing adventures of Katie the Craft Queen


Tanya said...

I totally knew you were going to post your felt -- and rightfully so!!!!! There's nothing better than having a new crafty avenue to explore.

Now, you just need to change that title -- WHERE do you get "krappy" from? Are you high? You have more creativity flowing through your veins than most people.
My money is on you will find some kind of knitting niche that does withdraw from your Patience Account. For example...did you look at Wise Craft and her link to the wrist warmers? She says they're fast and easy...and she's a busy mom who is crafty, like you. Plus she's from Seattle.


TUTU Monkey said...

ooooooo how fun....can't wait to see what you make....:)

Unknown said...

Now, you need to make more balls in more colors and string them with a few beads for a necklace!

Or, you can layer some layers of roving (the wool before it's spun) between two layers of plastic wrap, embed some fun string or yarn, add some slightly soapy water, fold in the sides of the plastic to make sure you stay the right shape, and then rub it around on a piece of that Ikea drawer/shelf liner. Then, roll it up the other way, and rub it some more! You can make great book marks if you do smaller, thicker ones, or even a scarf if you do larger softer ones!

OR, you can felt around your finger and mush it into shape as a little stocking for a tree ornament.

OR...I could keep going forever on the felting thing.

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