Friday, October 16, 2009

New house:*)

They're actually moving us in next Friday(high rent district...I hope they don't kick me out once they know the truth:*), and our furniture is here too!

Harvest gold formica cabinets in the kitchen, pink sinks and vanity in the master bath. What else could I hope for?


Tanya said...

Well, you've already GOT Elvis....I say you go for some kind of Vegas 70's vibe. :-)

ha ha!

THANK YOU for posting these!!! I think these houses are sooooo pretty from the front. That may just be tied up with my memories of extreme, extreme ENVY every time I would walk by or (gasp!) be invited inside. You can take the girl out of Yokosuka, but you can't take the Yokosuka out of the girl. ;-)

Hey! Guess what else I saw? That perfect room off the LR with the shuttered/sliding/folding has "studio" written all over it.

Unknown said...

Ok...not much to be said about the pink bathroom sinks. I think you need to do a flamingo theme thing.

How big is Elvis?