Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Surprise Trip to Hokaido for Lantern and Snow Fest

John went out on the boat last week to go to Hokaido for festivities surrounding the Sapporo Snow Festival and the Otaru Lantern Festival. Thursday night, he calls and says, "Why don't you and Ava come up?" So, frantically, I book tickets to Sapporo and he books a hotel.We left Friday morning and came home Tuesday afternoon.

All the photos in the daylight are of Sapporo, and the nighttime ones are Otaru. We LOVED Otaru and can't wait to make it back!!!! And don't you love anyplace where you can take a photo with a Giant BBQ'ed Squid????


TUTU Monkey said...

Oh my gosh how fun!!!!! (and cold)

DeHan said...

I like the random may pole! I am glad you went! Looks fun!

Tanya said...

What are the cakes/blocks being wrapped? Are they blocks of SNOW?

I want to see pottery photos, please. :-)

I'm glad you had fun on Hokkaido...you have great photos of this, Katie. As always, I want more WORDS. You know I am a word-girl, after all.