Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter

Sorry for the missing photos, but we've been far too busy having fun the last month or so. Ski week, long weekend in Champagne, long weekend in Belgium(this weekend) and lots of playdates this last month.

So my new month's resolution is to get back to posting photos!

Happy Easter everyone,


TUTU Monkey said...

That monkey needs a tutu to cover that sore bummmmm!! Ouch!

Hope you had a great Easter

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie!!! :-) I was stalking through A's in-box and found your blog.....what a super idea! I love seeing your photos, and may I say that your daughter is truly a stunning child? :-) I am eager to meet her in person. Also am wondering if the friends you met in Belgium for Easter are Pat and Kristine Byrne? The boy looks so much like one of their sons. Thank you, Katie, for taking Alistair under your wing -- I appreciate it. He's had such fun at your house. Did he tell you he used his Norwegian on one of your small friends last Sunday? ;-) She seemed to understand him...ha ha! tanya